Sometimes when things are falling apart, they may actually be falling into place …
Every single one of us has experienced one or two or even three in a lifetime. From falling in love to breaking up, from getting a job to losing a job, from having children and then experiencing an empty nest. These circumstances turn our world upside down, inside out and out of balance.
These are the characteristics of a radical shift!
At the time, we may experience or feel as if everything is falling apart, we have no control and we are losing everyone and everything. We can get stressed, and panic and fight our feelings, trying to recapture our former lives, or jump immediately towards some new way of living – rebound romance is a classic example!
Live one day at a time …
The key to coping is to keep your attention and focus in the present time. Have no expectations. Make no judgements. And … give up the need to know why things happen as they do!
When you get a grasp of the importance of these radical shifts, you’ll realise they all happen in the perfect moment. And, although they may not feel like it at the time, they are essential for our growth.
You see your life is made up of a million moments, spent in a million different ways. Some of those moments are searching for love, freedom, peace, harmony or happiness. Other moments are all about surviving day to day. But … there is no greater moment than when you find that life, with all its joy and sorrows, which is meant to be lived one day at a time.
Instead of dwelling on hopes and fears about the unknowable future, focus your attention on whatever is happening right now. And if you need the time to grieve, set yourself a timeline so you don’t drown in your sorrow. For example, give yourself two days to embrace your emotions, feel them, and learn from them. And then let them go. Otherwise you will find yourself on this emotional roller coaster moving from denial, anger and sadness many times over. Just experiencing your feelings as they come up will help them pass more quickly.
You’re only as strong as your next move …
Sun Tzu says it nicely – the general who wins the battle makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought. The general who loses makes but few calculations beforehand.
If you are feeling overwhelmed with too much going on … then you need to make a calculated choice to change. And you have to trust that you are always safe.
Even when you reach your threshold, and push your boundaries, your unconscious mind will protect you from how much pain you can tolerate – when the pain is greater than making the change, you will jump into the void and experience your radical shift.
The most radical shift I ever did was to stay put …
Take responsibility and own your life! By asking yourself ‘how or what did I do to create this?’ It’s easier to work with, because it changes your perception – a situation that seemed out of control is suddenly ‘within your control’ and easier to deal with.
A change of your perception has the extraordinary power to make relationships more positive and healthy. And help you to build self-esteem, happiness and success.
A radical shift is an ‘aha moment’ on steroids. It’s the movement of the basic psyche, opening your mind to an entirely new way of thinking and acting. Because when your mind is open, it will automatically shift.
And when that happens … all of life becomes, momentarily, light as a feather …and the most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, instead they are felt with the heart.
And this, my friend, is how you go to the next level of consciousness, creativity, energy and high vibration. You’ve got this!!