Guess what? I have a little magical life lesson to share with you.
YOU are the creator of your own reality. No one else can create your life for you … it’s yours to do all on your own!
When you step into this very powerful belief that you are the creator or manifesto of everything in your environment. It is a very empowering standpoint. Because you realise that if you can make it, you can change it.
Your beliefs, your thoughts and your emotions all come back to you as the world around you. Your external world experiences are simply a mirror of yourself and your energy that emanates. It reflects what you think, feel and believe, it will expose to you how you operate. If only you would take notice.
If you are bothered or annoyed with something or someone, all of a sudden what you see is that other people who act ‘annoyed’ or are ‘annoying’ will pop into your focus. If you don’t respect yourself then others won’t respect you. If you don’t believe you are worthy of a pay increase or a promotion then guess what? Others will see you exactly that way. If you are careless and you don’t look after people or objects as if it was your own, then you will receive exactly that. Others will be careless with you and your belongings.
What You Ask For, You Get
Any thought, any doubts or any questions you are broadcasting, in other words inviting it into your experience. There is a science to ‘thought broadcasting’ and thinking positive thoughts are not enough to make it happen.
So, when life gives you lemons, it’s not enough to make lemonade … you have to taste it, drink it up, feel the cool and refreshing liquid run down your throat, and bask in the experience. It’s a corny analogy, but it makes a valid point.
You have to feel your way through life. Feeling is the fuel to your thoughts. And… this doesn’t mean sitting on the couch thinking and feeling positive ways like – I really deserve that pay rise or I really want that promotion …. because you will be always left wanting what ever you are thinking or feeling. This is when action is key. Only with action can you create powerful transformation.
No One Else Can Create Your Dreams
No one can create your dreams, just as you cannot create any one else’s dreams. That’s like working at changing someone or getting someone on board with your dream when there is no emotional connection or desire. This applies in every environment. If you work in a corporation or you are a leader of an organisation your only way to create any form of desire or motivation from another human being is if it comes from the individual himself or herself.
Manifest Your Existence
With quantum physics, we have more scientific proof that everything is energy and all we have to do is match ourselves to the frequency of the reality we want. Sounds easy right?
Hmm. If only. How do we shut out all the external noise when we are working and living in a fast pace world that never stops?
We need time and quiet to design our lives and to interpret the world around us and our place in it.
Both of these things require conscious thought – to understand that we are the only ones who can make ourselves think or feel or react a certain way. Secondly, to take ownership of our immediate environment and when we find ourselves feeling ‘at odds’ take stock, review the situation and begin to understand our response.
Act As A Mirror To Find Solutions
If we can begin to see that everything around us is a reflection of us in some way shape or form, then we can learn a great deal about ourselves. We are here to learn from every human being. This is our gift, our teacher and our lessons to learn. It is up to you to how you feel every day, or whether you are going to have a good or bad day.
We create our own realities, whether we are conscious of it or not. Most of us are unaware of the power of our thoughts and so react to life on auto-pilot and therefore create unconsciously. When we become aware that we are the creator of our reality, we can consciously chose different experiences therefore create a different reality. When you are creating consciously, you can change your reality in an instance. And this is when the magic begins … because life begins to unfold, just the way YOU want it to.