If you want to make friends with the greatest part of your mind, which is your unconscious mind, you need to invest time with it.
Only then are you able to reprogram and reinvent your life.
Your unconscious mind is your ‘auto pilot’. It’s your ‘default’. It’s all your life long programming. Sometimes, it really gets in the way of what you want, by making you feel unworthy, incapable or afraid.
So, it can be a great big pain in the butt, but it can also be your greatest ally. The trick is in how you programme it.
Getting to know your unconscious mind is as simple as asking insightful questions, such as: dearest unconscious mind I would like to know –
- Why am I thinking this way?
- Where does this thought come from?
- What evidence do I have that this thought or belief is true?
- What feelings do I have around this thought or belief?
- What is this thought or belief trying to tell me?
- What is this feeling trying to tell me?
To make your unconscious mind work for you is to make friends with it and talk to it, just like you would talk to a friend. Give it space to have a voice, listen to what your mind has to say. Your unconscious mind is like a 5-year-old child or as you know it to be your inner child, and as we all know children need structure and guidance.
You need to be very direct and get to the point without fluffing about, the more specific the better and getting to the ‘why’ is of extreme importance, and in return your inner child or unconscious mind will respond but the trick is to ‘trust’ it and not obsess about what you have just asked your unconscious mind to do, otherwise you will end up with a conscious mind interference.
Thinking about what you want all the time will probably make it harder for you to get it, as your conscious mind will essentially be shutting down the power of your unconscious mind by preventing it from running an errand.
Top of mind means tip of tongue …
Have you ever experienced this … you are having a conversation and all of a sudden you go blank … you know what you were about to say but the harder you try to remember it … the more difficult it becomes to remember, and the more frustrated you become as a result!
However, if you practice to let go and accept that eventually it will come to you, it almost always comes at a point when you were least expecting it. You see the trick is to let go and not hang on to the fact that you can’t remember it because it keeps you stuck! Trusting that it will come to you at the right time, then it will.
This is how the unconscious mind works, you give it a task and it will automatically fulfil it for you in an instant! Your unconscious mind is recording everything you do, see and hear.
Yep! Your unconscious mind is like a storage dump of all the things that you have been exposed to throughout your life and if you give it enough space and time, it will provide the information you are seeking.
The past is a place of reference, not a place of residence …
As we move through life, we absorb our parent’s beliefs and those beliefs then become our own. So, unless those beliefs are overridden, they will stay with you for the rest of your life and continue to influence the type of life that you live. We are very much conditioned by our past and that’s what makes us who we are today.
How different you become from your parents is really dependant on the external differences that your unconscious mind is exposed to, in addition to your current state of life satisfaction or dissatisfaction.
With that said, the very core beliefs that you hold true about yourself is likely to be the same as your parents, because those beliefs are very often the first beliefs that the unconscious mind formed, and therefore this information is what the unconscious mind uses to compare other information against.
The most important muse of all is your inner child …
One place to start to uncover the mystery of your mind and your programs is to reconnect with your childhood. We all have an inner child and you can rekindle the relationship with your inner child that was free, spontaneous and creative … you can do that by making a list of all the things that brought you joy when you were young. Explore these enchanting memories and try to recall that childhood wonder.
Although everyone has different childhoods, there are patterns common to most people. If the relationship with your inner child has diminished over the years, try to identify what stage of development your childhood is in now. This will help you create a roadmap for bringing your inner child back into your life. Right now, your inner child could be feeling lost, frustrated or alone. And the way to do that is to check in with yourself and ask “what am I feeling right now?” And put words to these feelings.
Learn the art of growing without losing your inner child …
Once you have a connection with your inner child, you can communicate to your inner child by writing a letter … it could be an apology letter for neglecting your inner child and want to repair that connection, or it can also be a simple letter expressing your desire to strengthen the friendship.
By cultivate an open space, your inner child is vulnerable and may need a safe space before showing up, so be patient and give yourself the time. Too often people give up or even hide or deny the existence of their inner child because they think it makes them look weak.
Quite the opposite … by letting your inner child shine, and pay close attention to your feelings that pop up in your daily life, you are accessing another part of yourself (your unconscious mind) which can be traced back to many experiences of childhood when you were young and impressionable, and often this helps you unfold the emotional patterns of your adult life.