To read the first piece of this two-part blog series on cultivating adaptability, resilience and AQ, click here.
In my time, I have learned that adaptability is the simple secret of survival in the face of adversity.
To do so, first I had to accept change.
I have this belief that nothing is forever. So, when life throws me a curve ball, I get it … that’s the cycle of life.
Even if I am not comfortable with the change, I find ways to get comfortable.
I practise ‘being comfortable with being uncomfortable’. To change doesn’t mean to keep your old habits and behaviours that probably are outdated and no longer serve you.
Check in with yourself
When I feel a level of resistance, I do a self-audit and look at what skills, knowledge or resources I need to learn to be more accepting of the change.
I take charge. I will not allow the change to define me. If you are not going to do it for yourself, no one is going to do it for you.
If everything happens for us, then why not cultivate the curiosity to find out why this is happening right now? What’s the purpose?
This is a great time to reflect and journal, so to get all your thoughts on paper:
- What lessons have you learned?
- How have you celebrated your wins?
- How have you increased your level of resilience during this time?
- How can your share your wisdom with others to help them on their merry way?
By teaching how we have overcome our obstacles, we embed the learnings.
From there, we can influence our team and others to do the same.
Separate who you are from what you do
I can’t tell you how many individuals I meet on a regular basis who have allowed their work to be who they are.
Their work has become their life and they are not able to separate the two. They can’t switch off and they have lost their thirst for an adventurous life.
When I look at resilience, I see that it is accepting that all things are only temporary. I say to myself, ‘this too shall pass’. I don’t allow myself to get stuck in the sense of hopelessness and frustration.
If only we looked at adversity as an exercise routine … The more we flex our muscles and experience mishaps, difficult scenarios and a little bit of calamity, the more we succeed in building our coping skills.
We should all embrace adversity because it will prepare us for the next time and the time after that … until we are a resilient human being.
If anything, adversity builds your confidence and level of self-awareness by seeing what you are capable of.
The key ingredient is courage
So, if we are saying change is not easy, then are we saying we need courage to move into change? Maybe!
Courage is to stand in your truth. That means to be accountable for all that is taking place. The moment you point the finger at others or the company, you are giving your power away.
Courage is the ability to do something that scares the pants off you. It’s the practise of bravery, it calls on you to be bold, audacious and adventurous.
Step into the process with the lens of ‘what’ needs to change to be aligned with the greater change.
Then you, my friend, are on your way to an adventure.
Lead by example
Now you have the mindset that you are open and acknowledging the change.
You are now ‘leading by example’ because you are accountable and taking ownership of the change.
You are now aware and understand that it can be a bumpy road. Just like any adventure, it can be filled with surprises, roadblocks and some setbacks.
With that kind of mindset, you can solve any obstacle that comes your way. All you have to do when you do hit a roadblock is keep going. Ask yourself, ‘what else can I do?’, or ‘what if I do …’
Instead of keeping yourself stuck, it moves you towards a solution.
By being the accountable leader that you are, you will automatically build trust. There is no blame game, no excuses … Everyone is on the journey to change.
The key message here is if you want to increase your AQ, all you have to do is be more accountable, cultivate an open mindset and be more accepting of uncertainty because everything in life is a journey.
You are a change agent who is recruiting change agents. As a whole, you are helping your organisation champion the change that needs to take place.